What to look for when selecting a personal trainer…

There are literally thousands of people who now call themselves personal trainers (me included). That does not mean that they can all help. Far too many have fallen into the trap of generic plans that do not meet the specific needs of their clients. Do they prove a service, yes, but in many cases, they are not adding the value that you pay for, and let’s face it, it’s expensive. So, what should you look for? The following are four things that I believe you need to be certain you are getting when selecting a personal trainer or program.

1. Personalization – there is no one size fits all. They should be asking you questions about everything from your lifestyle to eating habits, workout frequency, sleep patterns, health issues, etc. If they aren’t then they are likely giving you a generic plan right off of the internet or out of a book that is identical to what they give 90% of their clients.

2. Education – they should be continually educating you and not dictating. They should be constantly coaching but ultimately you are making the decision around nutrition and workouts.

3. Behavior – they should be helping you modify behavior over time. This is what creates sustainability and transforms your overall health.

4. Engagement – they should be explaining and providing details as to why they are leading you down a certain path. Understanding the why is key to both long- and short-term achievement of goals.

At a minimum, if you are not getting these things out of your coach/trainer you really need to reevaluate and consider finding someone else.

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